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Terungkap Penampilan Adipati Dolken Berotot dan Lusuh di Film 'Pertaruhan'

Adipati Dolken kini sedang disibukkan syuting film "Pertaruhan" yang memberikannya tantangan baru. Tak hanya harus beradegan laga, ia harus membuat tubuhnya lebih berisi dan kekar. Seperti apa hasilnya? 

Dalam film tersebut, Adipati Dolken didapuk memerankan kakak tertua dari ketiga adiknya yang diperankan oleh Jefri Nichol, Aliando, dan Giulio Parengkuan. Mereka pun harus harus berjuang melindungi sang ayah (Tio Pakusadewo). Demi sesuai tuntutan peran, ia pun menjalani latihan agar badannya proporsional. 

Tampaknya Adipati Dolken berhasil mewujudkannya dengan tampak lebih berotot saat mulai syuting "Pertaruhan". Ia juga tampil kucel dan lebih gahar dengan potongan rambut tipis di bagian bawah. Bahkan penampilan tersebut membuat Aliando dan Jefri Nichol tampak kontras dengan aktor "3 Dara" itu. 

"Gemukin dan jadiin, badan proposional. Koreografi, berantem, nanti juga latihan dan lebih sering ketemu yang lain, karena kan 4 cowok semua dan om Tio juga," ujarnya beberapa waktu lalu. "Di sini tuntutannya juga gue harus bisa merasakan bagaimana enggak punya ibu. Tadinya punya terus enggak punya (ibu)." 

"Pertaruhan" sendiri sudah memulai proses syuting setelah Lebaran. Film arahan sutradara Krishto Damar Alam ini belum diketahui akan dirilis kapan.

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Derita Joe Taslim Pakai Kostum 7 Kg Selama Syuting 'Star Trek Beyond'

Peran Joe Taslim dalam film "Star Trek Beyond" akhirnya terungkap yang ternyata adalah salah satu alien. Tentu saja tidak mudah memerankan sosok bernama Manas itu. Joe Taslim harus rela mengenakan kostum yang ribet. 

Dijumpai dalam press screening "Star Trek Beyond" di Epicentrum, Jakarta Selatan, Joe Taslim menceritakan beratnya didandani menjadi Manas. Ia harus bangun lebih awal karena proses make-up yang lama hingga nyaris 5 jam. "Bangun jam dua dan duduk di makeup chair 4-5 jam. Sama kayak Idris Elba yang memerankan Krall," curhatnya, Senin (18/7). 

Tak hanya lama makeup, kostum Manas juga sangat berat. Aktor "The Raid" itu juga harus mengenakan topeng yang didesain khusus untuk mendapatkan ekspresi khas milik Manas. Selain topeng, kostum seberat 7 kg menjadi tantangan tersendiri bagi Joe Taslim saat syuting "Star Trek Beyond". 

"Dari make-up dan kostum saja sudah tujuh kilogram," jelas aktor yang juga ikut main di "Fast and Furious 6" ini. "Itu kalau basah bisa lebih dari delapan kilogram, berat banget." 

Namun semua itu tak membuat Joe Taslim mengeluh karena ia bisa terlibat dalam proyek film dengan tim yang hebat. Ia juga mengaku senang bisa bekerjasama dengan Simon Pegg. "Dia juga punya bakat nulis yang luar biasa, di sini juga ada naskah dari dia. Saya suka diajak makan malam bareng," imbuhnya. 

"Star Trek Beyond" bisa dinikmati di bioskop-bioskop di Indonesia mulai tanggal 20 Juli. Film yang digarap oleh sutradara Justin Lin ini menceritakan tentang misi lima tahun dari Kapten Kirk (Chris Pine) dan Spock (Zachary Quinto) yang akan menggunakan USS Enterprise untuk mengeksplor dunia baru di luar angkasa.

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Vino Bastian Sebut 'Bangkit!' Jadi Film Tersulitnya Karena Hal Ini

Sudah lama menggeluti dunia akting bukan berarti tak lagi merasakan tantangan dan kesulitan. Itulah yang yang dirasakan Vino Bastian dalam film "Bangkit!". Ia mengaku malah merasa paling kesulitan di film tersebut di sepanjang karirnya. 

Maklum saja karena Vino Bastian memerankan sebagai anggota tim SAR yang berjuang menyelamatkan warga saat bencana menerjang Jakarta. Beban fisik yang harus dilakukannya sembari berakting membuatnya kerja dobel. Latihan keras pun harus dijalani suami Marsha Timothy ini. 

"Ini mungkin jadi film tersulit dalam karier gue," tutur Vino di Plaza Senayan, Jakarta Pusat, Senin (18/7). "Tokoh Adri bukan hanya akting yang kuat tapi fisik yang kuat. Air, darat, dan udara dijelajahi semua." 

"Latihan disamain kayak tim SAR lainnya," lanjutnya menjelaskan. "Bagaimana cara membawa korban di dalam air, bagaimana cara jika korban itu sudah kerendem. Dilatih saat lari rumah ke rumah, mobil ke mobil hal standar yang dialami TNI. Bagaimana penyelamatan dalam bus saat akan masuk jurang." 

Meski harus kerja keras namun itulah yang malah menarik minat Vino Bastian membintangi film yang disutradarai oleh Rako Prijanto ini. Ia tak mau kemampuan aktingnya mandeg karena terlanjur merasa nyaman di satu titik. "Yang paling penting keluar dari zona nyaman dari peran sebelumnya, semoga film 'Bangkit' bisa jadi gelombang besar buat Indonesia," pungkas aktor "Toba Dreams" itu antusias. 

"Bangkit!" menceritakan ibukota Jakarta yang dilanda banjir bandang dan gempa bumi akibat terkena dampak badai musim dingin di Asia dan juga badai musim panas dari Benua Australia. Tim SAR harus berjuang mengevakuasi penduduk Jakarta ke tempat yang lebih aman. Film yang juga dibintangi Deva Mahenra dan Acha Septriasa ini akan tayang mulai 28 Juli mendatang di bioskop.

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Tantangan Joe Taslim Jadi Alien di Star Trek Beyond

Setelah terlibat dalam proyek bergengsi Fast and Furious 6 (2013), aktor Indonesia Joe Taslim akhirnya kembali mendapatkan kesempatan untuk tampil di film blockbuster Hollywood. Kali ini, bintang The Raid (2011) itu diajak oleh Justin Lin guna bermain di Star Trek Beyond. Pada seri ketiga waralaba Star Trek tersebut Joe berperan sebagai alien bernama Manas. 

Menurut aktor La Tahzan (2013) itu, terlibat dalam produksi Paramount Pictures tersebut merupakan pengalaman yang sangat berharga. Bukan hanya karena layar lebar ini bergengsi, tetapi juga kesempatan untuk berkolaborasi dengan orang-orang yang telah diakui reputasinya di dunia film. 

"Jadi, saya working with Joel Harlow, dia pemenang Oscar untuk make up special effect. And then he's so good dan kebanyakan emang saya dihandle langsung sama dia," ujar aktor Dead Mine (2012) itu dalam konferensi pers usai press screening Star Trek Beyond di Epicentrum XXI Senin (18/7) sore. 

Joe pun mengaku jika Star Trek Beyond adalah proyek yang sejauh ini paling menantang untuknya sebagai seorang aktor. Pasalnya, selain harus menggunakan make up yang tebal dan kostum yang berat, dirinya juga dituntut untuk bisa menampilkan karakter Manas tanpa ada petunjuk sama sekali alias menginterpretasikannya sendiri.

"Memainkan karakter yang bukan saya dan nggak pernah ada, bukan human juga itu challenging. Jadi kalau kita main jadi dokter, lawyer, polisi, ada guidance, tapi ini tidak. Saya harus mikir, create sendiri gimana dia ngomong, mendengar, muter kepala," ungkapnya. 

"Proses pemasangan (make up) itu emang luar biasa sih. saya bangun kadang-kadang dijemputnya bisa jam 2 pagi dan harus duduk di make up chair 4-5 jam setiap hari. Sama seperti Idris (Elba), Sofia (Boutella), kita kadang-kadang satu seat sebelahan. Satu minggu pertama sangat-sangat luar biasa, karena cuma ada dua lubang (hidung), jadi kadang susah bernapas segala macem," jelasnya. 

Kemudian, ketika ditanya soal adegan yang menjadi favoritnya, Joe menjawab, "Fight Scene paling menarik, karena bobot dari make up yang saya pakai sama kostum itu totalnya 6-7 kilogram. Jadi saya harus memakai itu, kadang di kepala saya semua dipasang dan kostum itu sangat berat. Kalau lagi basah, bisa lebih dari 8 kg dan i have to walk around, lari, berantem. Jadi kadang nggak ada ventilasi selain lubang di hidung dan telinga. It's not easy," tegasnya. 

Penasaran seperti apa penampilan Joe Taslim sebagai Manas dan beradu akting dengan aktor-aktor papan atas Hollywood seperti Chris Pine, Simon Pegg, Zachary Quinto, Zoe Saldana dan Karl Urban? Saksikan Star Trek Beyond mulai 20 Juli 2016 di bioskop Indonesia.

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Legacy Umumkan Jadwal Rilis SAW Terbaru

Setelah terbengkalai sejak rilis Saw 3D : The Final Chapter pada tahun 2010, beberapa minggu terakhir mencuat kabar tentanng kebangkitan franchise Saw ini, yang kabarnya berjudul Saw : Legacy. Lionsgate pertama kali melaporkan akan kembali bekerja untuk film ini pada bulan Februari, dengan seri ciptaan James Wan dan Leigh Whannel sebagai produser eksekutif, dan duo Josh Stolberg dan Pete Goldfinger (Piranha 3D) yang menulis naskahnya.

Pekan lalu, berita mengatakan bahwa Legacy telah memulai syuting di Toronto September ini, dan minggu ini terlihat pengumuman tentang duo Australia Michael dan Peter Spierig (Daybreakers) sebagai co-direktur Legacy. Namun, sampai saat ini semuanya belum dikonfirmasi oleh Lionsgate.

Lalu kapan Saw : Legacy ini akan dirilis?

Deadline melaporkan bahwa Lionsgate telah menetapkan tanggal rilis 27 Oktober 2017. Yup di Bulan Halloween, dan juga berbarengan seminggu dengan perilisan Insidious 4 (20 Oktober 2017).
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Serunya Dimas Anggara dan Amanda Rawles Syuting Film 'Promise'

Dimas Anggara akan kembali membuat fans cewek meleleh melalui film terbarunya. Setelah "London Love Story" kini ia bermain di film "Promise The Movie". Kali ini Dimas berpasangan dengan si cantik Amanda Rawles. 

Dalam "Promise The Movie", Dimas memerankan sosok bernama Rahman sedangkan Amanda memainkan sosok Kanya. Belum diketahui bagaimana karakter mereka namun tampaknya jadi pasangan romantis. Potret kemesraan keduanya selama di lokasi syuting juga telah dibocorkan sedikit melalui Instagram. 

Amanda sendiri juga memamerkan foto bersama Dimas di lokasi rumah pohon tersebut meski tak menyebutkan sedang syuting apa. Dara manis berusia 15 tahun itu kemudian mengunggah poster "Promise The Movie" yang membuat penggemarnya penasaran. 

"Promise The Movie" diproduksi oleh Screenplay-Legacy dan disutradarai Asep Kusdinar ("I Love You from 38000 Ft"). Meski belum diketahui sinopsis lengkapnya namun sudah dapat diintip siapa saja pemainnya. Selain Dimas dan Amanda juga ada Mikha Tambayong dan Boy William. Perilisannya hanya disebutkan kisaran tahun ini. (wowkeren.com)

Foto kiriman Amanda Rawles (@amandarawles) pada
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Tak Pelit, Joe Taslim Buka-Bukaan Soal Peran di 'Star Trek Beyond'

Setelah sukses dengan film "Fast and Furious", kini aktor asal Indonesia Joe Taslim kembali membintangi film bertaraf internasional. Joe Taslim akan menjadi salah satu pemain di film "Star Trek Beyond". Ditemui di bilangan Epicentrum, Jakarta Selatan, Joe menceritakan proses bagaimana ia mendapat perannya di film tersebut. 

"Proses di LA lagi sekolah akting di klas. Terus aku dapat email dari Justin dan ada proyek, ya udah ok call me, dan besoknya aku dipangil ketemu sama casting director ketemu dan ngobrol nyantai, I think that," ujar Joe. "Aku ga butuh waktu lama-lah untuk dapat kepercayaan itu oportunity juga lah buat aku." 

"Luar biasa excited karena luar biasa ya bisa kerjasama degan director dan aktor-aktor hebat. Side project untuk lebih banyak belajar akting lagi dari mereka," lanjut Joe. Bagi Joe, bermain film internasional adalah kesempatan besar dimana dirinya bisa belajar lagi untuk menjadi seorang aktor. 

"Disana kurasa aku dapat ilmu, teknik baru yang lebih banyak ya pada saat kita sini bareng banyak bangat dapat ide. Aku juga punya beberapa ide yang aku lempar dan banyak hal-hal yang kita bisa saat diskusi dengan mereka." 

Sementara itu, "Star Trek Beyond" menceritakan tentang misi lima tahun dari Kapten Kirk (Chris Pine) dan Spock (Zachary Quinto) yang akan menggunakan USS Enterprise untuk mengeksplor dunia baru di luar angkasa. Film garapan sutradara Justin Lin ini akan dirilis pada 22 Juli mendatang. (wowkeren.com)
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Ini Alasan Joe Taslim Disegani di Lokasi Syuting 'Star Trek Beyond'

Di film "Star Trek Beyond", Joe Taslim mendapat peran sebagai alien bernama Manas. Walau berstatus aktor Indonesia, tapi di lokasi syuting Joe mengaku dirinya cukup "ditakuti" oleh para pemain "Star Trek". Kenapa? 

"Di Hollywood akting sangat luar biasa dihargai. Karena saat di lokasi, setiap aktor pasti mempersiapkan diri untuk perannya. Termasuk saya juga waktu syuting film ini," kata Joe saat menghadiri konferensi pers gala premiere "Star Trek Beyond" di XXI Epicentrum, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan, Senin, 18 Juli sore. 

"Waktu saya duduk pun enggak ada yang berani mengajak saya bercanda. Saya juga harus mengubah mimik buat peran sebagai Manas. Apalagi peran saya butuh ekspresi wajah seram. Jadi saya enggak bisa cengengesan seperti sekarang ini. Jadi, enggak ada di sana yang namanya, 'Eh harus gimana ya? Mau ngapain ya?'" lanjutnya seraya tersenyum. 

Meski demikian, Joe mengatakan dirinya juga ikut menghargai para kru dan staf film tersebut yang telah bekerja keras. "Di lokasi syuting semuanya humoris. Apalagi Simon Pegg. Dia juga punya bakat nulis yang luar biasa, di sini juga ada naskah dari dia. Saya suka diajak makan malam bareng," jelas Joe. (wowkeren.com)
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On Monday, Game of Thrones showrunners David Benioff and D.B. (which may or may not also stand for David Benioff) Weiss told Deadline that their beloved fuckmonster of a series has roughly 13 episodes left. "It's two more seasons we’re talking about. From pretty close to the beginning, we talked about doing this in 70-75 hours, and that’s what we'll end up with. Call it 73 for now," said Benioff. "We wanted to [do] something where, if people watched it end to end, it would make sense as one continuous story," he added, helpfully describing how stories traditionally function. Below, you'll find MTV News's exclusive sneak peek at key scenes from the remaining 13 episodes, which make sense as one continuous story.

Season 7, Episode 1:

Sansa and Jon Snow wake up next to each other in their dead parents' bed. "Hullo, Sansa," says Jon Snow. They shake hands. None of this is ever addressed again.

Outside, Littlefinger is teaching the knights of the Vale to speak Spanish for their next battle. One knight tells the other that he likes his pantalones, but the second knight misinterprets this statement and stabs the first knight to death over it. Confused and suffering from massive PTSD (Post Traumatic Stab Disorder), all of the knights of the Vale stab each other to death within minutes. Littlefinger calmly removes all of their pantalones so this will not happen again, then smirks and meets Sansa's gaze in the window. "I'll get more knights," he mouths, then does that thing where you mimic giving a blowjob. Sansa closes the curtains, but smiles mysteriously to herself as she goes downstairs to make an egg for Jon.

Bran is in a forest.

Season 7, Episode 2:

Cersei and Jaime, having nothing else to do now that everyone else is dead, are fucking atop the Iron Throne. To be clear, the Iron Throne is now that rat-king pile of bodies from the Battle of the Bastards brought to King's Landing and rebuilt exactly how everyone died. They are fucking atop that.

The entire remaining population of Westeros, which is seven people, are watching them, cheering and occasionally stabbing one another in the gut for sport (everyone has PTSD now). After she climaxes, Cersei stands up and chugs an entire thing of malt liquor in 13 seconds. "Somebody get me Tommen's ashes!!" she screams. Somebody does. Cersei chugs Tommen's ashes.

Somewhere, Gendry is in the boat he has been on for three seasons. He is heading toward a light on the horizon, which he has been heading toward for years now. Finally, he reaches shore. He is at a disco pub. He takes off the shirt he has been wearing for at least three years, ties it around his neck like a jaunty scarf, and moonwalks inside.

Bran is in a forest. He's unconscious.

Season 7, Episode 3:

Daenerys is vomiting profusely over the side of one of her thousand ships. Her hair looks immaculate. Tyrion is holding it back and crying because he doesn't want her to die of seasickness, which is a thing that happens, it is. Dany pukes up a little shrimp. "It's like you, Tyrion," she says weakly. "Small, but brave — and a part of me." When she leaves, Tyrion takes the shrimp and puts it in his shirt pocket. Later, he eats it and cries more.

Arya is taking her time on the way back to Winterfell and enjoying a brief promiscuous phase. How old is Arya? I feel like she's old enough for this. She is wearing her hot waitress face at a disco pub. She is making out with a strange man whom she has never met, or maybe she has met him, but not since Season 2, I think. Suddenly, he tears off his face and reveals that he is Gendry. She obligatorily tears off her face. The two can't figure out whether they're related because I can't remember who is related on this show. They shrug and keep making out.

Later, Gendry is stabbed by a townie, but survives.

Bran is in a forest. He is still unconscious, but Meera is awake. She's always awake.

Season 7, Episode 4:

Sam is still staring at the Citadel library. He has not moved in weeks. He is much thinner, gaunt even. Saliva and pee have pooled and dried and pooled again around his feet. Gilly and Aryan Sam died in the lobby waiting for him.

Jon and Sansa are eating a quiet quiche at Winterfell. It's just a coincidence, because neither know that Arya was the hot waitress who served the human quiche to Walder Frey. Maybe they don't even know about the human quiche. I don't know if anyone remembered to tell them. Jon asks Sansa if the quiche is to her liking. Sansa responds by telling him that she is going to challenge his authority at the next Winterfell community meeting, and will resort to murdering him if necessary. Jon nods and sinks his face into the quiche. He sits like that for a long while.

Underneath the table, Littlefinger smirks and eats his own quiche by stabbing it with a long sword. When Sansa glances under the table to check on him, he mimes giving a blowjob to the sword. Sansa muffles a laugh but then looks very serious. This is serious.

Bran is in a forest. Meera is dragging his unconscious body around.

Season 7, Episode 5:

Cersei and Jaime are fucking atop the Iron Throne. Qyburn is filming them, per Cersei's request, because sometimes there is anachronistic but convenient technology on this show, such as Nickelodeon Gak-fire and grenades used only by ancient tree-children, so why not a camera? When they climax, Cersei smashes a bottle of rosé on Jaime's head. Jaime laughs and does an impression of a bug drowning in rosé. Cersei says, "Bae, I hate bugs." Qyburn clears his throat and reminds Cersei that she has to do queen stuff. "What do queens do on this show, actually, though?" asks Cersei. Qyburn says, "Good point." He resumes filming.

Dany is approaching Westeros. She can see it on the horizon, glowing. Wait. It's a disco pub. She wakes up Tyrion, who was sleeping under her dress, but platonically, and they moonwalk inside. Yara and Theon stay in their bunks, blaming themselves for starting a tradition of getting fucked up at a disco pub on the way to war. Yara accidentally stabs Theon in the dick area while practicing stabbing for the war. She apologizes. He's fine, though, because he has no dick.

Bran is in a forest. One of the trees he is unconscious on top of dies of boredom.

Season 7, Episode 6:

Dany and Tyrion are wasted and making out in the disco pub. Arya and Gendry realize they have been there for at least five episodes and both depart in a horrified panic. Arya heads to Winterfell. Gendry heads somewhere. The lights come on. Dany realizes she has been making out with Tyrion and not a small statue of herself as a child. "Tyrion, we can't do this!" she screams. "I cannot marry someone who I could also hide inside of my wig." Tyrion runs back to the ship, where Yara comforts him by telling him her coming-out story.

Sam pulls a single book from the Citadel library. The entire thing crumbles to the ground, crushing Sam and the entire history of the world or whatever. The bitchy librarian winks at the camera. Somebody stabs him from behind.

Bran is in a forest. Meera screams and screams and screams and screams.

Season 7, Episode 7:

Cersei and Jaime are being photographed for Castle Digest, a magazine about people who own beautiful castles and are also not opposed to cannibalism. Jaime tells the photographer that Cersei is going to be the queen forever because everyone else is dead and that's how democracy works. "You can quote him on that," Cersei adds, but before that, she had been holding a fifth of bourbon in her cheeks like a chipmunk, and it spills out from her mouth all over the room.

Embarrassed, Cersei stabs the photographer to death. "Yas queen?" she tries out. "Yas Gaga?" She is not sure if this is right.

The camera cheekily cuts to Dany, who is in her chambers drawing a stick figure of Cersei and commanding Drogon to burn it over and over again. Tyrion knocks on her ship door. They're still on the ship. He walks in and clears his throat. "About last night …" he begins, even though they left the disco pub months ago. Dany holds up her drawing of Cersei and makes it talk. "Talk to the hand, ’cause the face don't understand," she says in a crazy voice. Tyrion pales. Dany laughs. "Get it? You're the hand. Anyway, I have to work. Please leave me to my work." She resumes her doodles.

Season 7, Episode 8:

Dany and Tyrion and Yara and Theon have made it to Westeros. Taking note of the six people who still live there, they decide to sleep on it for a night and decide if they still want to invade it in the morning. Cersei and Jaime stabbed everyone who worked at Castle Digest, took over the magazine, renamed it Castle Fucking, and put out a weekly issue featuring photos of themselves fucking in and around the castle. It is a hit with the remaining six people in Westeros.

Sansa locks Jon in their dead parents' room and takes over Winterfell. He lies facedown on the bed for a long while. Littlefinger stabs a cat and brings it to Sansa with a smirk. It's a metaphor.

Arya is in a forest, but not the same forest as Bran. It looks the same. But it's different.

This is the Season 7 finale, so then we also see people riding ships or flying on dragons or some shit.

Season 8, Episode 1:

Dany and her thousands of soldiers have stormed the castle at King's Landing. They decided it was worth it, if only for the Castle Digest cover. "I am the rightful queen!!!!!!!" she screams. Nobody is there. She looks at Tyrion, who shrugs. They sit down and have some lunch. A few of her PTSD'ed soldiers stab each other in a small tiff over who gets the last PB&J.

Jon Snow is still facedown on his dead parents' bed. Sansa knocks at the door. He gets up and unlocks it. Both are confused. "I thought this door locked from the outside," says Sansa. "Same," says Jon. Both smile. Sansa reaches for Jon's hand. "Quiche?" she says. He nods.

Bran is in a forest. Meera has begun talking to herself in a language she made up in the forest.

Season 8, Episode 2:

Melisandre sneaks up from behind Arya in the forest and screams boo. Arya passes out. Melisandre carries her unconscious body to the same forest where Bran is, even though Meera has been dragging Bran's body for years and only gone two feet. What is Melisandre planning? IDK. I will make it up shortly.

Sansa, now the queen of the North, demands that everyone call her Karen. "It's more palatable," she explains. "No one knows if Sansa is a hard A or a soft A, but with Karen, you always know." She adds that she is planning to storm King's Landing and take over Westeros with Littlefinger. "Me, Karen. I will be queen," she says.

Season 8, Episode 3:

This is a capsule episode. Bran and Arya reconnect and travel back in time together via Bran's warging powers. They accidentally travel all the way back to the Cretaceous Period. They accidentally love it!!! They never return.

Meera weeps with joy. She is finally free. She is stabbed to death on her way to a place that is not a forest. It is the happiest she can remember being.

Her work finally done — her work was to remove tangential characters that had no real arc from the show so we could get on with it — Melisandre removes her necklace, pats her flat old-lady boobs happily, and disintegrates.

Season 8, Episode 4:

Cersei finally comes down to sit, without fucking anything, on the Iron Throne, mostly out of boredom and because she has a UTI and needs to chill for a few days. Dany and Karen are waiting for her. "Come thru," says Cersei. "It's lit."

"I'm the rightful queen," says Dany, who is tired now. "Same," says Karen. Karen rubs her eyes.

Cersei sighs and gives the secret wildfire signal to Qyburn, who is masturbating with wildfire as lube. The three women look at one another for a moment, then burst out laughing. Cersei pulls out a fifth of Fireball ("LOL," she says) and then another fifth of Fireball and then another fifth of Fireball. They all get wasted off of their own fifths of Fireball.

Jaime, Tyrion, Yara, Theon, Jon Snow, Littlefinger, all the bazillion soldiers, and whoever else is left, I can't remember, cannot fucking believe it. "Can you fucking believe this?" says Yara. "Millions of people died for this cause." "What cause?" says Tyrion. "I don't actually know at this point," says Yara.

Littlefinger tries to stab everyone but they all descend upon him and stab him. "Hoisted by his own petard," says Tyrion. "What?" says Theon. "Never mind," says Tyrion.

Oh, yeah, Davos. He's there too. And Jorah.

Season 8, Episode 5:

Dany, Karen, and Cersei are sitting in a meadow. Cersei is fucking Jaime and shotgunning a six-pack of Icehouse. Karen is brushing Jon Snow's hair, wondering aloud to Cersei and Dany about whether she is a summer or a winter, makeup-wise. "If your veins look green, you're a summer," explains Dany, who is resting her laurels on Tyrion like a footstool. "If they're blue, you're a winter." Cersei pauses fucking. "If they're red, you're a product of incest." This joke kills.

Jorah and Davos are tanning. Jorah is still dying of greyscale, but slowly enough that he can still tan. Everyone is happy. "What a game we had," says Karen. "A game of thro —" Before Karen can finish her pithy thought, the White Walkers stalk out of the forest (a different forest) and murder everyone on the entire planet.

Bran is in a (Cretaceous) forest. He is unconscious and surrounded by dinosaurs, every last one of whom he bores to death, rendering them extinct.
