‘X-Men Apocalypse’ Clip Has Jennifer Lawrence’s ’80s Hair—Plus, Young Nightcrawler In Cage Match

A new clip from X-Men Apocalypse was posted this morning on star Jennifer Lawrence’s official Facebook page. In it, we see a bit more of young Nightcrawler (Tye Sheridan), Angel (Ben Hardy), and Lawrence rockin’ some serious ‘80s hair.

The clip shows Nightcrawler getting dumped out of a trunk and forced into a cage match with Angel, for reasons that presumably will become clear once we see the movie. It’s an extra-dangerous game since the wire surrounding them is high voltage and Nightcrawler keeps disappearing and reappearing just in time to electrocute himself.

But don’t worry: Raven (Lawrence) is on the case and seems to be on the verge of extricating both of them from this situation, all while looking like she just stepped out of a Quarterflash music video.

Watch the scene and see for yourself. (yahoo.com)

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